Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Corrected UCRF Minutes for the Meeting Held on 15/DEC/2012 at NAMELA

1.     Registration
2.     Opening prayer
3.     Introduction
4.     Welcome remarks from chair
5.     Background
6.     Strengthening the secretarial
7.     Work plan for 2013; report from Luweero & artists group.
8.     AOB
Min 01/12: Registration was done and members present were 9 people[D1] .
Min 02/12: Opening prayer was done by Anita Sseruwagi and the meeting was brought to order at 11:00am.
Min 03/12: Members individually introduced themselves.
Min 04/12: Welcome remarks from the Chairperson:
- The chair welcomed everybody present and thanked members for coming.
 He went on to mention that the 1st meeting of the kind was in Luweero last year and this is the 2nd.
- UCRF has existed since 2008 and was officially launched in 2009.
-  But it has had ups and downs.
- Unfortunately, shortly after the launch, two of the promoters developed misunderstandings but not related to UCRF but in business and when the patron who is a perfectionist learnt of this, she opted to resign.  This was the 1st set back.
- The 2nd set back was the weakness from the board of directors. This is because of developing UCRF from top and not bottom. This is why the CEO decided to pick up UCRF from the grassroots.
Min 05/12: UCRF Background by Dr. Isaac Magoola CEO.
The idea of UCRF started way back before the launch remarked the CEO. In the constitution in 2009 all people who attended the launch were founders.
- Although the Nabagereka resigned as a patron as indicated by the chairman, she is still a promoter.
The Board of Trustees and Promoters at the launch resolved that UCRF should be incorporated in the USA as a support arm. After the conflict, it was resolved that the two groups operate independently.
-  It is important to note that the two people who disagreed are promoters of UCRF who played an important role in its formation. While Dr. Sam Mbulaiteye mooted the idea, Mr. Charles Odere assisted in mobilising legal services and some promoters thus Lex Uganda’s involvement in UCRF’s incorporation and provision of office space in the early stages.
- The resignation of HRH the Nabagereka and the decision on Archbishop Lwanga to nominate a representative (Monsignor Charles Kasibante) to work on his behalf on the BOD necessitated redesigning the letter head, the brochure and other UCRF stationery given that the names of the BOT and BOD members were included on all these documents. This explains why the executive team decided to operate slowly. It was not possible to go into fully blown fundraising, advocacy and mobilisation using the old stationery and UCRF being a legal entity, operations had to be in line with the decisions of her governing structures.
- The meeting of November 2012 decided that we should re-launch UCRF with new stationery that emphasises ideas not individuals. It also decided that efforts to bring back on board Mr. Charles Odere and get UCRF files from him should be intensified. These efforts are continuing.
- The New Letter head and brochures that emphasize ideas not individuals are now ready. - The hope is that a grand re-union and re-launch will be held in the near future after the above actions are accomplished.
-As UCRF, some members commented that volunteering is very difficult and requires commitment and sacrifice. This explains why the secretariat is very thin. The experience has been for members to act for short spells and withdraw due to pressures of other commitments and survival.
-  Luweero by virtue of their set up, have done very many things that we need to borrow a leaf from their approach.
What have we achieved?
1.     We have a Constitution
2.     Structures are in place
3.     Bank account was opened
4.     Subsidiary Cancer Centre is there
5.     Printed some t-shirts with a UCRF logo though all were taken to Canada.
6.     Have a website operational
7.     Hosted a medical student from St. Andrews University Scotland.
Comments from the Background report
   ─ Members of Masaka got so touched by the loss of a vice chairperson who passed away sometime back. But for what has been done by UCRF they feel so glad.
  ─ Sylvia a medical student from St. Andrew’s University Scotland came to carry out a research to find out how much; cancer has affected the country. She did a research in Mbale, Gulu, Mulago hospitals and produced a very nice report highlighting how cancer had hit our country.
Action: The CEO offered to circulate the UCRF constitution and Sylvia’s report to members. He requested members to remind him if they did not receive a copy within two weeks. The chairman and the CEO have  also compiled a pamphlet which is very simple and easy to use by anyone. Members also requested for a copy of it.
─ On asking willing organisations to equip UCRF, - we have a new headed paper and now all we have to do is for us to put down/ develop a list of UCRF requirements. Eventually we should get out for fundraising.
-Standing promise by Bishop is that UCRF needs are welcome.
-  UCRF and its intentions are respected.

Min 06/12: Strengthening the secretariat
The CEO reported that the Secretariat has only two people yet he has a spinal problem and as a medical requirement, he is demanded not to sit for long, at most not more than 30 minutes to aid recovery. The problem with this is that there is very heavy load for only two people. We thus need to strengthen the secretariat for effective performance. We therefore, need strengthening.
* We thus need a program Manager/program coordinator to assist in coordinating UCRF activities. We are sure UCRF will survive and it will be there for the future.
* Mr. Dani Kireju supported the need for strengthening indicating that UCRF currently consists of the Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Deputy CEO. But the CEO has the above physical problem and the other two are of advanced. There is need therefore to have someone strong to come up and beef up UCRF. We have also experimented with people who have not understood what UCRF is all about and got no good results.
Action: The chairman called for nominations but the CEO argued that following Dani’s submission and the need to have a tested person, Mr. Anthony fits the description. Members unanimously accepted the proposal and Mr. Isanga Anthony was approved as the new UCRF Program Manager.

Challenges encountered by UCRF
-         UCRF has had teething problems but we should not be discouraged
-         Artists had a table for UCRF activities although the challenge was that they had no clear information and knowledge about UCRF.
-        The other challenge with artists is that as they mobilise people and communities, but require someone technical who can render a clinical input to the community.
-         The other challenge is that due to HIV/AIDs, a 12-13 year old is already a mother especially among women.
-        The other challenge is that of Uganda Cancer Institute. But the aim of UCRF is not to rival with Uganda Cancer Institute.  What we should understand is that there is a big gap out there concerning cancer. The community badly needs our support. Yet even medical people are sometimes troubled with issues pertaining cancer. The community today is quick to run to witch crafts and the average age here are the young who require our support.  Let us therefore start small using very simple approaches.
We need therefore at this point in time to bench mark UCRF activities.
Min 07/12: UCRF Work plan for 2013
Uganda Cancer Research Foundation Luweero Integrated program report
─ The report was read to the secretariat by Ms. Beatrice Kaibanda.
Matters arising from the UCRF Luweero Workshop which was held on 1st Dec. 2012
─The report highlighted the need to have Joint Workshops between Luweero and Kampala & to come up with a joint work plan for the two groups to operate upon in 2013.
The report also highlighted Emphasis on Awareness and Advocacy. The question here is, how can we achieve it?
The CEO indicated that already letters have been written to a number of schools to introduce cancer clubs there. Such schools include; Budo, Nabbingo, Gayaza, Makerere College & one school in Luzira. The idea is to organise students, give them information and where possible to administer direct treatment for cervical cancer. However, no feedback has been received yet.
Action: To follow up on those letters in the respective schools & Anthony shall assist in establishing their contacts to enable the Chair person & CEO discuss modalities with the individual head teachers in the respective schools. Dan will follow up on the school in Luzira.
− On the artists’ side, the artists have started composing songs and plays in line with cancer.
They will thus be required to develop a proposal indicating what exactly they plan to deliver to the community. On this regard, the Chair person UCRF, Ms. Anita Sseruwagi and Mr. Joseph Muzaale will link up to agree on what they plan to do. Hence the doctor’s consent is critical here.  However, much of the information has already been developed by the chairperson.
To plan the documentary with the support & consultation of the executive members in a bid to promote the image of UCRF. Interviews for the executive to be captured in the documentary will be held on 26th January 2013.
Action: Talk to the existing members and especially those who are interested to serve as Cancer awareness volunteers.  To this respect, Ms. Beatrice Kaibanda is charged with mobilising volunteers from Luweero branch, Anita Kampala and Maria Masaka. This should be done and finalised by the end of January. At the end of January all groups should give a feedback to Anthony about recruitment of volunteers and training them.
We should however note the following:
       Any medical activity requires permission from the national council.
       The schools have to give us permission
 Way forward
-         Then Masaka group should come up with a Board
-        To introduce guidance on cancer in schools.
-        To introduce cancer clubs in school hand in hand with the artists.
-        To train cancer volunteer Advocates by the aid of UCRF KABP forms.
-        To change cancer assistants to Cancer awareness volunteers.
-        Artists to assist in sensitising local communities about cancer.
-        To concentrate on a single task but do it perfectly.
-        Reprinting the UCRF banner which has been redesigned.
-        To device simple means and approaches of fundraising for UCRF
-         To implement what we have said and to always come back to evaluate what we have done.
-        The executive to listen to the songs developed by our artists by the end of January and edit accordingly before they are aired into public.
-        Branch centres to get introductory letters for account opening from the national office.
-        To meet with the Board of Trustees for a UCRF reunion.
-        To boost the Secretariat with Man power
-        To equip Office
-        To work out a program for next year
-        As artists to have a TV show documenting the cancer scourge every month.
Min 07/12: Closure
The meeting closed at 1.30pm with lunch served to members by the Chairperson UCRF at NAMELA. Transport expenses for the members from Kampala, Luwero and Masaks were refunded using funds donated to UCRF by the CEO, the deputy CEO and the Chairman BOD. The CEO excused himself owing to other pressing engagements. He did not, therefore attend the group photo session.
Prepared by:                                                                           Signed by:
......................................                                                          .........................................
Mr. Isanga Anthony                                                               Dr. Yusuf Mpairwe
Secretary                                                                                 Chairperson

 [D1]The list (names) of the members who attended has to be included.

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