Continuing with the distribution of scholastics and awareness campaign on cancer, our team yesterday visited two schools which are a distance of about 40km from Luweero. And the schools visited were
St. Agnes Nattyole Vocational S.S. and Luteete Senior Secondary Schools. Here again, the team met over 30 students supported by Caritas child sponsorship program to whom they managed to talk to about cancer.
In the message communicated to the students, members of UCRF who included Mr. Isanga Anthony the area program manager, Benedetti Wanyana a member and Mary Nakyaggya a member, introduced to the students what cancer is. In our introduction, we begun by asking the students if they knew anything about cancer, the types of cancer, how to contract cancer and how to avoid cancer. It was mentioned by the students that some of the cancers commonly known include: Cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer and cancer of the bones among others.

Students however, were ignorant about the most common cancers and how one could possibly safeguard him/herself from such cancers. As such, UCRF members dwelled mostly on three common types of cancer which include Breast and Cervical cancer among women and Prostate cancer for men. Students were informed that having multiple sexual partners could be one way of contracting cervical cancer and as such encouraged to keep safe, health and avoid such habits that could lead them to damaging their lives. As for breast cancers, girls were encouraged to be attentive to their bodily changes especially changes in their breasts and for any strange development in their breasts to quickly seek medical support and testing.
Students were also given a health package to include tips on; making physical exercises, avoiding genetically modified foods, avoiding cigarettes smoking which can easily cause lung cancer, avoiding excessive alcohol and eating well balanced foods that are rich in food nutrients to include proteins, starch, fats and vitamins.
The students were so excited to learn about cancer and thanked the UCRF team for reaching them with the cancer message and promised to carry the message home to their parents and the community members.
This message was prepared and compiled by;
Mr. Isanga Anthony
Program Area Manager (UCRF Luweero)
NB: Attached are the photos taken during the visit.
Tomorrow we shall be visiting Katikamu and Wobulenzi schools for the awareness campaign still.