The Luweero UCRF Branch has established this blog to inform members of Luweero, Nakasongola, Nakaseke and the whole World about their efforts to inform and educate people in their community about cancer. We hope you will follow our activities and provide us with constructive criticism so we can improve our efforts to fight cancer in Luweero, Nakasongola, and Nakaseke.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
ABASI of Budaka is No More!
Last week, one of the UCRF Luweero Members who is working in Budaka filed a report about Abasi, a patient who has suffered from what appears to have been cancer for many years. UCRF became aware of the plight of Abasi and provided moral support. Although this helping hand was long in coming, the last days of Abasi were quite exemplary. Abasi became an ardent spokesman for cancer in Budaka. He allowed his story to be told - on Radio and T.V. and on the internet. In Budaka, he shared his experience with many. We are inspired by his example and courage. UCRF members grieve for him and his family. Let's all redouble our efforts to bring relief to patients with cancer. Thanks.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Uganda Cancer Research Foundation (UCRF) Luweero Integrated Program
Monthly Meeting
Date: 15th April, 2012
§ Prayer
§ Communication from the Chair
§ Reading of the minutes and matters arising
§ Concluding remarks
§ Closing Prayer
Members present
Name Role/Designation Contact
1. Wasswa David Member 0782-763-787
2. Dr. Mutebi Thadaeus Member 0752-845-330
3. Beatrice Kaibanda Member 0782-675-544
4. Isanga Anthony Member 0772-073-539
5. Br. Anthony Musisi Chairperson 0772-881-171
Absent with Apology
1. Immaculate Nassazi Secretary Luweero area 0774-127-435
Min 1/12: Opening Prayer
The meeting was brought to order with a prayer led by Mr. Wasswa David.
Min 2/12: Communication from the chair
The chairperson thanked members for sparing time and for committing their efforts to cancer cause. As we should sensitize ourselves, the chairman invited all members to be aware that cancer is with us. The challenge with us is always to think cancer is far away from us, remarked the chairperson. In emphasizing the seriousness of cancer and need to even work harder, the chairperson cited an example of someone who was operated of cancer of the throat and didn’t survive. He further told us that his own father was also operated of prostate cancer six years ago but as we talk today, cancer has even spread to the rest of the body parts, surviving on only pain relief drugs. Additionally, his brother’s wife was also operated of breast cancer.
The chairperson thus mentioned that, we need to own the program and also to also to get immersed at the grass root.
With those remarks, the chairperson declared the meeting open.
Min 3/12: Reading of previous minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were read to us by the secretary and corrections made accordingly.
Min 4/12: Matters arising
In the matters arising, one member got touched by the resignation of the UCRF Patron and other two key members. But however, asked members not to lose heart but instead to even harder for the growth of UCRF.
Another matter of concern, was that the artists have taken a strong drive in the growth of UCRF and so, members indicated how good it would be to partner and work hand in hand with the artists for the growth of UCRF.
Concerning getting legal acceptance to operate in the districts (Luweero, Nakaseke and Nakasongola), the process was already started on however, it was communicated that acceptance letters to operate in the district have haven’t been write us hence a need to visit these offices with our introductory letters and then requesting them for letters of acceptance to UCRF to serve in the three districts of Luweero, Nakaseke and Nakasongola.
Action: It was therefore agreed that districts offices would be visited in a fortnight from the date of our meeting. And the chairperson promised to follow up with the Luweero and Nakaseke districts while Mr. Wasswa, Nakasongola district.
As for field outreaches, it was decided that they would be done monthly (the first Friday of the month) keeping in mind the ardent need of our target groups. However, besides that arrangement, we also agreed that whenever need arises which may call for immediate response, we shall not be waiting for the agreed day but, to respond immediately. It could be school/community visits for awareness creation or home visits to our patients name it.
As for our monthly meetings, it was decided that, we shall be meeting every last Sunday of the month.
Another issue was how the Luweero team could possibly get involved in some of the BOD meetings at Kampala and even to be party in some of the decisions made at the National level. The idea here is that sometimes, the decisions made at the National level take time to be acted upon delaying and also constraining the work of UCRF at the grass root.
Before the concluding remarks, members willingly and individually contributed towards office rent and in total, raised 45,000= Uganda shillings.
Min 5/12: Opening Prayer
The chairperson concluded the meeting at 3.00pm thanking all members for turning up, and calling upon all members to hard for the growth of UCRF.
Signed by,
……………………………………………………… ……………………………………..
Bro. Anthony Musisi Immaculate Nassazi
(Chairman UCRF Luweero) (Secretary UCRF Luweero)
Bro. Anthony Musisi Immaculate Nassazi
(Chairman UCRF Luweero) (Secretary UCRF Luweero)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
UCRF Luweero Branch Gives a Helping Hand to UCRF Budaka
Abasa Gesa is a married male with 8 children aged 54 yrs from Nawoja Ward Budaka T/C Budaka District. Abasa developed a swelling which he suspects to be cancerous on the nipple 20 years back which he could scratch due to itching and it could bleed. Each part scratched could form a scar which scars multiplied. Eventually the whole breast was affected with an inner swelling which appeared like a tumor. Agasa got treatment in a clinic that had a part time surgeon who operated it by removing the tumor who referred to it as a skin infection.
. A month later, the tumor reappeared at the time he had not even a penny to go to hospital. With time, he got some money by selling some of his food crops at home planted and harvested by the family members and went to Tororo Hospital for second surgery where the tumor was removed that had grown. The tumor still reappeared and spent 3 years without treatment yet it was expanding.
In 2008 Abasa went to Mbale Regional Referral hospital where he had another operation of removing the tumor. While at the Regional Referral Hospital Mbale, a biopsy was recommended on suspect of having cancer which had to be taken from Mulago Hospital in Kampala which is about 250 km from his home in Budaka. Due to lack of money to finance his treatment, transport and upkeep while in Hospita, Abasa never turned up for the biopsy as it was recommended.
Abasa lost guts of going back toMbale Regional Referral Hospital mainly due to fear for failure of having gone to Mulago as had been recommended on arguments that if asked by the doctors about the Mulago treatment, had nothing to say so stayed home for a long time in great pain. In 2010 Abasa went back in Masaba wing in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital to seek treatment as was becoming anemic due to the continuous bleeding from the scratches.
Not until November 2011 when UCRF Budaka in partnership with BUDINASO ( )and KWA(Kadama Widows Association), was visited , used to offer counseling and worked out a possibility to transport him to Mulago Hospital for treatment, transfusion, biopsy and further management of the disease . UCRF Budaka in partnership with a local Radio and TV station that is Step Fm and TV Abasa’s case was presented seeking contribution for his treatment which yielded empty promises.
A number of tests were required like biopsy, blood transfusion which were taken and the chest x-ray and CBC were pending. He was also being prepared for Radio Therapy a week before he required to be discharged due to sighting over staying in Mulago which is far away from his home and relatives who could care for him. Abasa was discharged from Mulago Hospital in March 2012 under his persistent request. He has totally lost hope and is looking for money to buy food supplements which are floating the market from the different company like green world, GNLD which is so expensive. The children are financially incapacitated and cannot give a hand to offer medical treatment to their father.
Compiled by Gorret Nabukenya
UCRF Volunteer
. A month later, the tumor reappeared at the time he had not even a penny to go to hospital. With time, he got some money by selling some of his food crops at home planted and harvested by the family members and went to Tororo Hospital for second surgery where the tumor was removed that had grown. The tumor still reappeared and spent 3 years without treatment yet it was expanding.
In 2008 Abasa went to Mbale Regional Referral hospital where he had another operation of removing the tumor. While at the Regional Referral Hospital Mbale, a biopsy was recommended on suspect of having cancer which had to be taken from Mulago Hospital in Kampala which is about 250 km from his home in Budaka. Due to lack of money to finance his treatment, transport and upkeep while in Hospita, Abasa never turned up for the biopsy as it was recommended.
Abasa lost guts of going back toMbale Regional Referral Hospital mainly due to fear for failure of having gone to Mulago as had been recommended on arguments that if asked by the doctors about the Mulago treatment, had nothing to say so stayed home for a long time in great pain. In 2010 Abasa went back in Masaba wing in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital to seek treatment as was becoming anemic due to the continuous bleeding from the scratches.
Not until November 2011 when UCRF Budaka in partnership with BUDINASO ( )and KWA(Kadama Widows Association), was visited , used to offer counseling and worked out a possibility to transport him to Mulago Hospital for treatment, transfusion, biopsy and further management of the disease . UCRF Budaka in partnership with a local Radio and TV station that is Step Fm and TV Abasa’s case was presented seeking contribution for his treatment which yielded empty promises.
A number of tests were required like biopsy, blood transfusion which were taken and the chest x-ray and CBC were pending. He was also being prepared for Radio Therapy a week before he required to be discharged due to sighting over staying in Mulago which is far away from his home and relatives who could care for him. Abasa was discharged from Mulago Hospital in March 2012 under his persistent request. He has totally lost hope and is looking for money to buy food supplements which are floating the market from the different company like green world, GNLD which is so expensive. The children are financially incapacitated and cannot give a hand to offer medical treatment to their father.
Compiled by Gorret Nabukenya
UCRF Volunteer
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